聯絡我們 聯絡我們


School Vision

The School aspires to be an outstanding Christian school in Hong Kong providing quality education and whole-person development to students.



School Mission

Based upon the ethos of Christian whole-person education as propounded by the Anglican Church, the School shall nurture and develop students spanning the arenas of morality, intelligence, athletics, community spirit, aesthetics and spirituality. The School shall:

  1. teach the students to live out the motto “Not to be served but to serve”;
  2. develope students’ spiritual awareness by learning the teaching of Christ;
  3. build up a broad and balanced curriculum that prepares the students for life-long learning;
  4. provide an orderly, harmonious, caring and supportive environment for the students’ effective learning and joyous growth;
  5. foster a cooperative spirit among teachers, students, parents and the community; and
  6. promote an atmosphere for continual development and improvement.



根據聖公會所推崇的基督教全人教育理念,本校致力於培育和發展學生在德、智、體、群、美、靈六育的成長。 學校應該:

  1. 教導學生實踐校訓「非以役人,乃役於人」;
  2. 透過學習基督真理,讓孩童在靈性上得以覺醒;
  3. 推行全面而均衡的學校課程,培育孩童成為終身學習者;
  4. 提供一個和諧有序、關懷互愛的環境,讓孩童的成長充滿喜樂,學習更見成效;
  5. 推動教師、學生、家長以至社區人士的協作交流;及
  6. 營造一個促進持續發展和自我完善的學校氛圍。