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  • To develop an ever-improving capability to use English through three strands: interpersonal, knowledge and experience strands.
  • To develop generic skills, language skills, language development strategies.
  • To develop positive values and attitudes towards English language learning and appreciate the beauty of the language.
  • To cater for the goal of the school year plan.

Curriculum Highlights

  • Primary Literacy Programme (PLPR)

At St. Michael's Primary School, we run an EDB NET Scheme primary literacy programme (PLPR) that nurtures children's interest and love for English language. The literature-based units are designed to be captivating and relevant to our students' daily lives. Students are taught to appreciate language arts, read for information, express themselves confidently, get inspired to create their own works of art, and put their knowledge and skills to practical use.
Immersion learning is a crucial part of language building. We have a dedicated English Room that offers students a child-friendly and language rich environment. Our EDB NET co-teaches with members of the English Team during the PLPR lessons. Small group collaborative teaching exposes our students to a wider range of learning methods, broadening their horizons whilst accommodating for individual needs.

  • S.T.E.A.M. in English

STEAM education has become increasingly important in today's society. We recognize the significance of teaching and learning STEAM related topics in English. Our PLPR program integrates STEAM elements into the English Language Classroom. Research shows that young children can benefit greatly from kinesthetic and tactile learning. Students at Key Stage 1 can enjoy hands-on experiments and projects while learning English and applying their language skills.

Our NET ~ Miss Florence Wong

As the saying goes, "Time flies when you are having fun." It is hard to believe that more than a decade has gone by since I began my service at St. Michael's.
Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to receive acknowledgement from my students and their parents.
I'm incredibly thankful for the opportunity to inspire children's discovery of the British culture, and to help them overcome their fears of learning and communicating in English.
It has been a pleasure to teach, learn and grow with everyone at school. Here's to another decade of service!

Our ELTA ~ Mr Adam Longhurst

Hello, my name is Adam Longhurst. I am thrilled to be working here at St. Michael's as an English teacher to the students in P1, P4, P5 and P6.
I am from the United Kingdom, but I have lived here previously during my studies at the University of Hong Kong (HKU).
I believe that learning English should be fun, engaging, and interactive. I am dedicated to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment where students feel motivated and supported.


At St. Michael’s, we hold different English activities to create an atmosphere and environment which makes learning English an inspiring and fun language learning experience.

1. Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2. Drama Festival 3. Book Report Competition
4. Bookmark/Book Cover competition 5. Poster Competition 6. Story Quest
7. Creative Writing 8. Book Character Day 9. English Activity Day
10. English Week 11. English Explorer Club 12. English Explorer Junior
13. English Ambassadors 14. Little Professors
  • Book Character Day

Book Character Day was a blast with such colourful and creative costumes from students and teachers. What a worthwhile experience that students got to read their favourite books and share with everyone on stage! It was wonderful to see all book characters came to life. We had such a great day!

  • Drama Show Robin Hood

We were thrilled to have a group of professional actors to put on stage Robin Hood. Students were excited to have a chance to see all the characters from the reader come into real life. They were amazed to see what they have read actually become real and were taken to a most wonderful live adventure. Teachers and students also took part as guest actors and student MC. The laughter and scream throughout the play have already told how much everyone was delighted with the presence of the story characters and their hilarious performance and the funny dance by the teachers!

  • Drama Club

The Drama Club at St. Michael's aims at promoting drama as a form of language art and boosting students'  English proficiency through drama activities. Above all, it provides students a platform to showcase creativity and foster teamwork and collaboration. Through drama activities and performances, students become more expressive and confident.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Drama Club. Over the years, we took part in the Hong Kong School Drama Festival. What we have attained are not only awards or prizes, but also the individual growth and sense of achievement in students.

  • Explorer Club (P.4) / Explorer Club Jr. (P. 2)

The Explorer Club / Explorer Club Jr. aims to inspire a new generation of critical thinkers with positive growth mindset. It runs throughout the year with sessions available to our Primary 2 and Primary 4 students. The club is led by our English Team members and our NET Miss Florence. There is a wide range of both plugged and unplugged activities that are intellectually challenging but otherwise enjoyable and replicable for any aspiring STEAM learners. Students can participate in missions individually and also learn to solve problems with partners and teams. The STEAM activities are designed to be literature based, so students can learn to read critically and think outside the box.

  • Little Professors

This year, some of our P. 5 students become Little Professors and teach interesting topics to students of lower level during recess and lunch break. This time, they brought P.3 students to the magical world of Harry Potter. The two professors dressed in Harry Potter's rope with the magic wand. The class suddenly turned into one just as seen in Hogwarts. Students answered questions and got lovely stickers. "We can't wait for the next one!" said all after the lesson.

Little Professors showed their talents and fabulous interactive skills on the Open Day when they demonstrated to little kids how to make the intricate magic potion.
Guests were all delighted and satisfied with their handmade secret potion, which was crafted under the patient instruction of our Little Professors.