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本校六年級學生有幸到聖馬可中學參與中學面試培訓工作坊。透過聖馬可中學陳思茵校長、外籍老師Mr Thistle、各位老師及學生們詳細而生動的講解和示範,同學們學習到面試、匯報的技巧及秘訣,大大增強學生對面試的自信心,為升中面試作好準備。
Our P6 students were honored to participate in the Secondary School Interview Training Workshop at St. Mark's School. Through the detailed and lively explanations and demonstrations of Principal Miss Stella Chan, NET Teacher Mr. Thistle, teachers and students of St. Mark's School, our students have learnt the practical skills and their confidence in interview has been greatly enhanced.