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Primary Literacy Programme - R...


Primary Literacy Programme - Reading and Writing (PLP-R/W) 是教育局外籍英語教師計劃中以推動學生由閱讀到寫作的課堂規劃。學生在本校外籍英語教師的教導下,在英語室輕鬆愉快地透過故事、角色扮演、拼音遊戲及讀寫等活動,培養他們閱讀英語故事的興趣,以及提升他們的閱讀技巧和讀寫能力。

Primary Literacy Programme - Reading and Writing (PLP-R/W) is a programme under the Education Bureau's Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Scheme to promote literacy among students. Under the guidance of our Native-speaking English Teachers (NETs), students can develop their interest in reading English stories and enhance their reading and writing skills through stories, role-plays, phonics games and reading and writing activities in the English Room.