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太棒了!我校五年級學生完成了水耕種植營養實驗課程,成果顯著!學生們種出了鮮嫩的羅馬生菜,並進行了營養配方對植物生長影響的研究,真是小小科學家! 在水培小競賽中,他們憑藉創新的配方贏得了大獎!獲獎學生帶回家迷你水培種子膠囊,繼續探索營養科學!這個STEM課程將營養學、生物學與農業知識完美結合,讓理論在實踐中生動展示! 我們為學生們在科學與園藝方面的成就感到自豪!繼續加油,未來的營養學家和農業專家們!
Amazing! Our P5 students completed a hydroponics nutrition experiment course with impressive results! They grew juicy Romaine lettuce and studied how different nutrient formulas affect growth—true mini scientists! In the mini hydroponics competition, they won top prizes with their innovative solutions! Winners took home mini seed capsules to continue their nutrition exploration! This STEM course seamlessly blended nutrition, biology, and agriculture, bringing theories to life through hands-on practice! We're proud of our students' achievements in science and gardening! Keep it up, future nutritionists and agricultural experts!