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On the Airwaves: Our Students ...


Our talented students visited RTHK studio for a special English radio recording. What's the topic they're discussing? Watch these budding broadcasters in action as they showcase their language skills and creativity behind the microphone. The broadcast topic, date, and time will be revealed soon! Stay tuned to our Facebook and IG page for this exciting surprise. You won't want to miss our young stars at RTHK!
同學們前往香港電台進行英語廣播節目錄音。究竟他們會以甚麼主題與聽眾見面呢?他們在錄音室中展現出色的英語能力和無限創意,為節目傾情演繹。請密切留意我校Facebook和IG 專頁的最新消息,萬勿錯過他們在香港電台的成果!